What is an obituary?

An obituary is a death notice to the public with little biographical information about the deceased. It notifies people about the death of a loved one and informs them about the upcoming funeral, date, time, and location. Obituaries are mostly for people who died recently. They are published for both significant dead people, local residents whom their families are able and willing to have the loss of their loved one information exposed to the public.

There are two types of paid death advertisements related to obituaries: death notice and a paid memorial ad. A death notice does not have many details about the deceased. It is a public notice, legally required to show that someone is dead. The family members and friends write a paid memorial advertisement, and they are allowed to seek assistance from the funeral home that has hosted their loved one.

Most obituaries have migrated from printed information to digital media. Printed and electronic communications deliver the same information. Everything that could have been printed is electronically shared. This is to make sure that a lot of people find out. Even those who do not read newspapers get a chance to know what is happening.

The Purposes of Obituaries are?

Obituaries show a connection between the deceased family members and friends as they are mourning, and their togetherness on an excellent farewell for their departed loved one. They create public records, civil or legal, and everyone can find out about the loss of those with obituaries. They thank caregivers (physicians, hospice) who took care of the deceased person before he or she passed away.

Having obituaries for your loved ones is very important because of their purposes which include;

  1. Communicate time, dates, and locations of all services that will take place.
  2. Biographical information teaches people things they did not know about the deceased.
  3. They highlight the life contributions of the dead person.
  4. Shares ways to commemorate the deceased with the family members and friends.
  5. Shows gratitude to all who offered assistance during the hard times.
  6. Notification to the public about the death
  7. It helps the bereaved family feel connected to the deceased loved ones.

Age, address, survival lineage, cause of the death, life history of the deceased are also details that can be found in them. Some people send condolences to family members and friends after reading obituaries. This contributes to lessening the pain they are going through. People’s attendance also comforts them because they get the company to mourn with.

How to Write an Obituary?

Anyone who is planning to write it should first think about what should be included. The obituaries sections are; announcements, biographical information of the deceased, survival details, ceremonies and gatherings planned, contributions or flowers, and arrangements. All this information is required to be in the obituary that will be printed. Extracting information from online obituaries is not a good idea because people cannot have the same details.

The traditional newspaper format allows two types of obituaries; state obituary (published free of charge) and paid obituaries (paid by the family of the deceased). For state obituary notices, the first one simply announces the death while the second notice is posted on the day of the services to indicate time and place.

Difference between Eulogies and Obituaries?

Eulogies are not published in newspapers like obituaries. They are distributed and read during the funeral services. They are both for the lives of those who recently died, but eulogies can also be praises for people who have retired and are still alive.

The creation of obituaries leads to loved ones sending condolences and attending services. We have obituary editors who offer this service.